Quality Measurements

A cornerstone of modern service delivery is having in place appropriate quality measures that track health care outcomes as a means to improve public health and accountability. As the health care economy moves away from a fee-for-service model, developing adequate quality measures for family planning and sexual health services will be increasingly important.


NFPRHA focuses on quality improvement and measurement in an effort to promote greater recognition about the important role of family planning and its necessity in the health care delivery system. NFPRHA has been working with accrediting agencies on policies to publicly measure and validate family planning and, specifically, contraceptive services.


NFPRHA Publications

  • Assessing Patient Experience of Care: A Resource Guide for Family Planning and Sexual Health Care ProvidersThis NFPRHA resource guide and its accompanying appendices are intended to serve as a roadmap for family planning providers wanting to assess and improve patient experience of care, whether delivered in-person or using telehealth. While large health care systems often hire vendors to develop and/or administer patient experience surveys, many organizations conduct their own in-house surveys to minimize costs. This guide is intended to support the latter — family planning providers seeking to implement in-house patient experience surveys. The sample surveys in the appendices include validated survey items that have been used successfully in other health care settings.

  • Patient Experience with Telehealth Services and Health Education (PDF) – A literature review to better understanding of how the use of telehealth technology impacts patient experience. This resource also explores strategies for improving patient experience with care when health services and health education are delivered using telehealth (May 2021).

  • Performance Measures for Contraceptive Care (PDF) - Provides tools health care providers can utilize to assess current performance, identify areas for improvement, and monitor progress for contraceptive care, to increase access to and use of most and moderately effective methods across a range of settings (June 2018).

Other Resources

  • Agency Self-Assessment (PDF) – An assessment tool created by the Reproductive Health National Training Center to determine the extent to which your agency provides high-quality care. (2016)

  • Patient Experience Improvement Toolkit (PDF) – The Family Planning National Training Centers developed this toolkit that offers practical advice to help family planning health centers improve the patient experience and increase patient retention with consideration given to service site limitations in staff, time, and funds (February 2014).


  • Implementing and Fine-Tuning Revenue Cycle Management Activities (PDF) – This presentation is a revenue cycle assessment tool that helps identify things needed to be done to better implement Revenue Cycle Management fir the first time. A review of best practices to identify areas for improvement are included (March 2019).

For additional resources & information, access NFPRHA fact sheets and federal comments by issue or read NFPRHA's publications and recent press statements.

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |  info@nfprha.org

© 2025 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association