Membership Spotlight Archive
NFPRHA is proud to highlight the extraordinary accomplishments of individuals working in family planning agencies across the NFPRHA membership. Below is an archive of all of NFPRHA's membership spotlights through the years, featuring, in their own words, their passion for family planning. Read through for some inspiration!
Current Membership Spotlight
Fact Forward
Spotlights by Year:
Cynthia Gonzales
Sara Sullivan
Cynthia Harris
Madi Weisberg
Tara Thomas-Gale
Marcos Palmarin
Audrey Ross
Katherine Strandberg
Nona Main
Kate Daniel
Vince Aguon
Stephanie Davis
Rena Dixon
Christina Theriault
Matt Thompson
Taisha Hicks
Claudia Haines
Adjoa Sankofia Tetteh
Mandy Hagseth
Nomsa Khalfani
Chun Liu
Darnielle Williams
Kris Kennedy
Tracy VanVlack
Judith Emmons
Kami Geoffray
Chelo Elliott
Marilyn Johnson
John Kearney
Joe Alifante
Heidi Halpern
Kellie Fernandez
Tracie Weiss
Karrie Galloway
Manny Ferreiro
Charlotte Hager
Kathie Nixon
Rachael Kramas
Luis Raul Garza
James Tracy
Lucia Obergoenner
Stephanie McDowell
Janelle Anthony
Melissa Brennan
Jeffrey Maurus