
More Ways to Give

By Check
National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association
1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

By Phone
We are happy to take donation information over the phone at (202) 293-3114.

Gifts of Stock
A gift of appreciated securities may provide significant benefits to you as a contributor, while also supporting NFPRHA. For more information or to make a gift, please contact Claudia Arango, Director of Development, at or (202) 552-0142.

Corporate Giving Matching Program
Please check with your company. Many companies will make a gift to match the gift of an employee; usually, there is some simple paperwork to fill out. 

Corporate Sponsorships
Corporations and other organizations are welcome to explore sponsorship activities with NFPRHA. In addition to sponsorships at NFPRHA's annual National Conference, NFPHRA has other opportunities for partnership. For guidelines for sponsorships, click here. Please contact Claudia Arango, Director of Development, at or (202) 552-0142.

Your Gift at Work

Your gift helps NFPRHA educate and advocate with policymakers, health care providers, and the public; conduct and participate in research; and offer its members capacity-building support aimed at maximizing their effectiveness and financial sustainability as providers of essential health care.


National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |

© 2024 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association