Membership Rules & Responsibilities

NFPRHA owns all rights, including copyright, trademark, trade secret, and other intellectual property rights, in and to all NFPRHA membership materials, including but not limited to emails, publications and access to membership-wide and service delivery conference calls. NFPRHA grants members a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use and access the NFPRHA membership materials. Members may not copy, republish, duplicate, resell, or otherwise alter or modify the NFPRHA membership materials, except with prior written consent of NFPRHA.

Access to NFPRHA membership materials is limited to NFPRHA members, except as specifically provided in membership packages. Members may not provide any NFPRHA membership materials to any other person without the prior written consent of NFPRHA. No resale or commercial use of NFPRHA membership materials is permitted.

NFPRHA litigation will be on behalf of only members and subrecipients that are included in NFPRHA's Core Members. It does not represent subrecipients of members that are not included in NFPRHA memberships.

Rules by Membership Category

NFPRHA Core Members

NFPRHA's core members are publicly funded family planning programs. These agencies must be approved by the membership committee, which requires an application that states sources of public funding and services provided. NFPRHA reserves the right to reject applications.

There are two classes of core members: 

Non-profit or public entities that are the legal recipients of a Title X service grant and/or the administrator of state-allocated family planning funds. Membership is extended to the entity’s service sites and community-based
provider contract sites.

  • May sign up fifteen staff members for benefits. The Grantee member gets access to all benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • Includes two free and unlimited discounted rate registrations to the national conference.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at annual national conference.
  • Eligible for travel assistance when made available.
  • Includes ten voting members. Members must designate who is assigned these rights on the annual membership renewal.
  • Every subrecipient agency of the organization is eligible for subrecipient agency benefits.
  • Each subrecipient agency must be approved by the membership committee before entrance to the membership.
  • Contact information for each subrecipient enrolled in NFPRHA membership must be included on annual membership renewal.

Health Care Service Providing Organization
Agencies and organizations that support NFPRHA’s mission and provide family planning and other health services funded by publicly funded programs including federal, state or local monies, but not limited to federal funds under Title X, Section 330 funds, Medicaid and Medicaid Family Planning Extensions, WIC, Title V MCH, CDC STD Prevention, TANF, Ryan White Act and Title XX. 

  • May sign up ten staff members for benefits. The HCSPO member gets access to all of the benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • One free and unlimited discounted registrations to national conference.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at the national conference.
  • Eligible for travel assistance when made available.
  • Includes four voting rights. Member must designate who is assigned these rights on the annual membership renewal.


Additional NFPRHA Membership Categories

NFPRHA's additional membership categories are for organizations and individuals that work in and/or support family planning and sexual health care. These agencies and individuals must be approved by the membership committee, which requires an application that states support of NFPRHA's mission. NFPRHA reserves the right to reject applications.

There are four classes of additional members: 

Collaborating Agency
Statewide organizations such as contraceptive access projects, statewide or regional education and advocacy organizations that support NFPRHA’s mission. 

  • May sign up three staff members for benefits. Supporting organizations get access to some benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • One free and unlimited discounted registrations to national conference.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at the national conference.
  • This is a non-voting class of membership.

Industry partners, vendors, companies, consultants and other individuals seeking to and/or doing business with NFPRHA members, and which support NFPRHA’s mission.

  • May sign up two staff members for benefits. Supporting organizations get access to some benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • Two discounted registrations to national conference.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at the national conference.
  • This is a non-voting class of membership.

Individuals working in family planning & sexual health care service provision, clinical education, training and/or research. 

  • The individual get access to most benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • Benefits may not be shared.
  • Receives one non-transferable discounted registration to national conference.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at conference.
  • Eligible for travel assistance when made available.
  • NFPRHA does not represent the individual's organization.
  • One non-transferable voting right.

Emeritus Family Planning Professional
Professionals who have retired from full-time employment with organizations providing publicly funded family planning care, including unaffiliated current and former Board members. 

  • The individual get access to most benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • Benefits may not be shared.
  • Receives one non-transferable discounted registration to national conference.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at conference.
  • NFPRHA does not represent the individual's organization.
  • One non-transferable voting right.

Subrecipient Agency

  • May sign up one staff member for benefits. The agency gets access to most benefits NFPRHA offers.
  • Receives discounted registration to national conference.
  • Eligible for travel assistance when made available.
  • May attend annual membership meeting at conference.
  • Agency may not extend benefits to any other organization or individual.

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |

© 2024 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association