Collaborations and Partnerships

Partnerships with other community-based organizations can help family planning providers streamline services, improve patient care coordination, and maximize resources in order to continue to provide critical safety-net services. Developing and maintaining effective collaborations requires strategic thinking and effective outreach.


NFPRHA supports its membership to develop and maintain effective collaborations and partnerships through publications, sharing practical tools and resources, and convening members.


  • The Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice (PDF) - A comprehensive policy agenda to advance sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice for people in the US and around the world.

  • Value Proposition Template (DOC) Please log in or join to view this content.  

  • Sustainability Solutions: How Title X Programs and FQHCs Can Work Together & workbook (PDF) - Please log in or join to view this content. 

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health Meeting Toolkit (PDF) -  Please log in or join to view this content. 

  • Steps to Group Purchasing of an Electronic Health Record System (PDF) - Please log in or join to view this content.

  • Essential Elements of an Agreement with a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) - Please log in or join to view this content.

  • Compendium of Sample Agreements and Policies (PDF) – Please log in or join to view this content.


Other Resources

  • Advancing Quality Family Planning Practices: A Guide For Health Centers (PDF) - a resource to support health centers in their efforts to improve access to high quality and comprehensive family planning services, prepared for the National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC) by attorneys with the law firm of Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP, with funding from the Office of Population Affairs and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention within the Department of Health and Human Services. (April 2017)

  • Coordinating Efforts Across Title V and Title X (PDF) – The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs developed a case study on how MCH programs can collaborate with Title X grantees to maximize their impact on reproductive, maternal, and infant health and improve the health of women across the life span (July 2014).

  • Engaging Your Community: A Toolkit for Partnership, Collaboration, and Action (PDF) - Created by JSI, this toolkit includes resources for building strong, strategic partnerships using effective outreach and communication (2012).

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |

© 2025 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association