Special Projects

Get Covered: Family Planning

NFPRHA’s Get Covered: Family Planning project supports Affordable Care Act (ACA) education and enrollment activities conducted by its membership. By offering resources and support for its members, NFPRHA is in a position to make a significant impact on the number of people who enroll in health insurance - either through Medicaid or marketplace plans.

Through Get Covered, NFPRHA members are provided with free, focus group-tested education and enrollment materials designed specifically for use with patients who are in need of health insurance. Materials include: brochures with information for patients about the ACA and insurance enrollment; scripts to help staff who interact with the public to talk effectively about enrollment; and posters to draw attention to enrollment efforts taking place in the health center. Additionally, members have the opportunity to participate in trainings on in-reach, outreach and effective messaging around enrollment. 

NFPRHA members who wish to learn more about effective ACA education and enrollment may download Get Covered’s Enrollment in a Box toolkit, a guide to planning and implementing a successful education and enrollment program.  

  Get Covered Resources

Education and enrollment efforts are important because they help the uninsured gain access to sexual and reproductive health services; help publicly funded providers free up funds that can be used to subsidize services or improve their infrastructure; and help providers reinforce a strong patient/provider relationship that will aid the long-term health of the safety net while improving health outcomes. 


The Get Covered project is also providing additional support to select NFPRHA members in five of the cities/regions identified as priority areas for outreach and enrollment by the Obama Administration. Member sites in Chicago, Dallas, Northern New Jersey, Philadelphia and Saint Louis have received grant support and in some cases support from temporary NFPRHA field staff to reinforce their current outreach and enrollment activities.


Get Covered Family Planning activities will continue throughout 2014. While the initial open enrollment period for insurance plans offered through the commercial insurance marketplaces ends on March 31, 2014, and the second open enrollment period opens in late 2014, Medicaid enrollment is open year round. Most states have a substantial number of residents who are eligible for Medicaid but are not currently enrolled in the program.


Outreach and enrollment efforts are important because they help the uninsured gain access to sexual and reproductive health services; help publicly funded providers free up funds that can be used to subsidize services or improve their infrastructure; and help providers establish a patient/provider relationship that will aid the long-term health of the safety net while improving health outcomes.


For more information about the Get Covered: Family Planning project, contact Nancy Clack at nclack@nfprha.org or (202) xxx-xxxx.


National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |  info@nfprha.org

© 2025 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association