Race and Ethnicity

Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI)

Examples of community and culturally specific interventions:

  • The Abortion Care Guide was created by South Asian SOAR (Survivors, Organizations, and Allies — Rising),  is a collective of survivors, organizations, and allies advancing the national movement to end gender-based violence in the South Asian diaspora. This guide provides medically accurate information on abortion logistics, methods, and aftercare, and it has been translated into 20 South Asian languages: The Abortion Care Guide in 20 South Asian Languages
  • Members of Partners In Care and the O’ahu Youth Action Board have led a year-long effort, in collaboration with more than 30 partners, to gather community knowledge and develop a detailed response guide youth homelessness: Oahu Coordinated Community Plan to End Youth Homelessness

Examples of policy and structural change:

Recommended readings:

Organizations Highlight:

Black Americans

Examples of community and culturally specific interventions:

Examples of policy and structural change:

Recommended readings:

Organizations Highlight:

Indigenous Peoples

Examples of community and culturally specific interventions:

  • Respecting the Circle of Life: Mind, Body & Spirit is an STI/HIV and pregnancy prevention program for Native American youth between the ages 11 and 19 and their parents or other trusted adults.
  • HealthyNativeYouth.org features health promotion curricula and resources for American Indian and Alaska Native youth that promote positive youth development, embrace cultural teachings, and demonstrate evidence of effectiveness.

Examples of policy and structural change:

Recommended readings:

Organizations Highlight:


Examples of community and culturally specific interventions:

  • Tome El Control De Su Salud Sexual/Take Charge of your Health provides gender-inclusive sexual health resources that are translated in English and Spanish.
  • Senderos Hacia mi Salud/Pathways to my Health is a Spanish toolkit that community health workers can use to inform community members about their mental, physical and sexual health. In this tool are also questions that prompt and promote asking for basic needs and encourage community members to engage in informational conversations with their community health worker.
  • Chatea/Textea is a text messaging tool that Spanish-speakers can use to chat with a health educator.
  • Get Your Life is a seven-session group-based HIV prevention facilitation guide designed for Black and Latino young men who have sex with men ages 14-19 years old.
  • HoMBReS is a community-based, behavioral intervention that aims to increase condom use and HIV testing among Latino men by working with sports teams.
  • Reproductive Healthcare Success Guide aims to advance equitable reproductive health care in New Mexico. The guide outlines some of the critical factors that future providers, funders, and other institutions must consider to serve New Mexico communities with respect and dignity.

Examples of policy and structural change:

Recommended readings:

Organizations highlight:

View the digital resource guide, online assessment tool, or a printable version of both. If you have questions, please contact Ericka Burns, Senior Director, Program (Equity), at eburns@nfprha.org.

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |  info@nfprha.org

© 2025 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association