FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 27, 2021
Contact: Audrey Sandusky, (202) 344-5805,
House Approves Critical Funding for Title X Program
“NFPRHA is extremely pleased that the US House of Representatives has passed $50 million in supplemental funding for the Title X family planning program in its reconciliation package. The legislation provides a critical funding boost for family planning providers that have been without federal family planning funds as they are tested by the overwhelming threat of COVID-19. We urge the Senate to maintain these funds as it considers the bill.
“The Title X rule has had a devastating effect on family planning providers across the country. Eighteen grantees withdrew from the program, and to this day, six states have been without Title X funds. Thirty-nine grantees across 33 states have lost Title X providers. There has been a dramatic drop in people being able to access critical health care services, such as STD screenings, HIV testing, and contraceptive counseling and care from their trusted, highly qualified family planning provider. This loss of access is compounded by the challenges of COVID-19, a time when many people report increased interest in delaying or preventing pregnancies.
“This investment in rebuilding the Title X network is critical, and much more needs to be done to wholly repair our nation’s family planning program and restore access to care for millions who rely on Title X every year. It is imperative that HHS work swiftly to rescind the 2019 Title X rule so that all federal funds can be directed to communities in need and trusted, high-quality providers as quickly as possible.”
NFPRHA is a membership organization representing publicly funded family planning providers and administrators nationwide. NFPRHA advances and elevates the importance of family planning in the nation’s health care system and promotes and supports the work of family planning providers and administrators, especially those in the safety net. For more information, visit