March 5-8, 2017 • Washington Hilton • Washington, DC
NFPRHA Conference attendees will include key decision-makers and purchasers in the family planning field: executives and administrators from state and local health departments, family planning councils, Planned Parenthood affiliates, community health centers, hospital systems, and private non-profits. Review the preliminary agenda.
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Conference Highlights
March 5-8, 2017 * Washington Hilton * Washington, DC
NFPRHA’s 2017 National Conference is essential for safety-net family planning providers as they face mounting threats to the Title X network and their very survival. The conference will help providers navigate the volatile health care landscape and implement practices to improve efficiencies and business operations. Join NFPRHA for opportunities to engage with experts on critical challenges facing the family planning safety net.
This year National Conference will begin on Sunday, March 5 with pre-conference trainings and Medicaid Peer-to-Peer in the morning. The conference’s opening session will kick off on Sunday afternoon at 1:45 p.m. Hill Day will be on Wednesday, March 8 and conference content will run the full day on Tuesday, March 7. Please take a look at the preliminary agenda and plan your travel and lodging accordingly.


Washington Hilton
The conference will be held at the Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20009. Located a short walk from the Dupont Circle, the hotel is right in the heart of Washington, DC.
New to NFPRHA?
This session helps you get the most out of your NFPRHA membership with an introduction to NFPRHA benefits and services. Non-members welcome.
Free Pre-Conference Sessions
Get practical, action-oriented training during pre-conference sessions. Topic-specific trainings will be offered free for members only on Sunday morning that will provide tips and tools for streamlining your health center operations. These are designed for a variety of employees in both clinical and administrative settings. A Medicaid Peer-to-Peer Meeting will be offered over lunch on Sunday and NFPRHA Orientation will be offered in advance of the opening night reception. No additional cost. Pre-registration required for some of these sessions.
Capitol Hill Education Day
Meet with your elected officials on Capitol Hill! NFPRHA staff will schedule Hill visits for conference attendees and provide training during the Hill Education 101 session to help you prepare for your visit. Pre-registration required.
340B University
Apexus will offer a 340B University tailored to meet the needs of the family planning field. This free training will cover 340B basics such as eligibility, recertification, inventory management, Health Resources and Services Administration audit requirements, as well as hot topics, including Medicaid reimbursements and changes to the patient definition. Peer faculty will share leading practices and audit experiences in an interactive format, and participants will leave with tools to promote compliance. This training will take place on Saturday, March 4. Please select 'yes' in the registration form when prompted to register for 340B University. No additional cost. Pre-registration required.1
Opening Night Reception
Mingle with colleagues and exhibitors while enjoying drinks and heavy hors devours in the Exhibit Hall. Attendees who visit every exhibit during the conference can enter to win a drawing for exciting prizes. This reception is included with full conference registration.
Awards Luncheon
Celebrate the outstanding work being done across NFPRHA’s membership. Nominate your family planning colleagues for awards before January 13, 2017. This luncheon is included with full conference registration.
Griswold v. Connecticut Gala Reception
Celebrate the important work of NFPRHA members at the Griswold v. Connecticut Reception! NFPRHA’s only fundraiser of the year will be held this year at the Washington Hilton. Discounted tickets available with full conference registration.

1340B Univerisity is developed and presented by Apexus and is not endorsed by NFPRHA